More than 1 000 customers all over the world.

Quotation & free design within 48 hours

Les bonnets correspondent à notre demande. Un contact sérieux et réactif avec de la part de l'équipe pan. Une livraison dans les délais annoncés. TOP.

Villefranche Jsp Avatar Villefranche Jsp
4 November 2019

Très beaux produits et de très bonnes qualités, le site est génial, je le recommande à tous ce qui recherche la qualité..

Franck Moga Avatar Franck Moga
31 October 2019

Super, rien à dire. Service très professionnel et très bon rapport qualité / prix. Les bonnets sont livrables à l'international, super !!

Loïse coiplet Avatar Loïse coiplet
4 December 2019

Produits de très bonne qualité, équipe hyper disponible et réactive, je recommande PAN!

Virginie Thersiquel Avatar Virginie Thersiquel
2 December 2019


6 reasons to choose us

High density silicone

100% high density silicone cap

Printing All Over

Print on 100% of the cap surface

Application of talc

All caps are talcated for ease of installation

100% resistant inks

Our inks are 100% chlorine and UV resistant

Back squares

To facilitate the pose of the cap

Federation Homologation

Insert number with dimensions of your federation

Swim caps 100% personalised

PAN helps you in the realization of your personalised swim caps for clubs and sporting events. 100% custom swim caps for triathlon or swimming.
For sport clubs it is a new vector of identity, you can finally have swim caps 100% to your image. For the events it is a very appreciated participant gift and a way to popularize your event well beyond the day of the race. Pan is a sweep to dull and sad swim caps to give color to the pools!

Caps helds by the greatest champions

The biggest triathlon clubs of the world (TCG Parthenay, Dijon, Les Sables Vendée Triathlon, Saint Raphael, Saint Jean de Monts Triathlon, ECA Chaumont Triathlon …) trust us.

The biggest events such as the Nice Triathlon, the Paris Triathlon, the NYON University World
Championships (Switzerland), the WEERT European Cup (Holland), the French Triathlon Cup, the Bordeaux Triathlon,  the IRONBREIZH, the MONTBLANCMAN, the
crossing of the lake of the old forges and many others have already adhered to the PAN concept.


Especially appreciated by the athletes !

  • Your participants will no longer throw their caps off at the exit. Better, they will keep the cap very carefully and convey the image of your event across the basins.
  • We work with clubs and events around the world. For your personalised swim caps, we guarantee :
  • Diversity and originality of our products
  • Design and complete customization of your product (according to your logos and colors)
  • Quotation and model within 48 hours
  • Telephone reception and customer support from A to Z
  • Prices adapted to your race or member registration fees
    Strategic watch trend products and new products every month
  • Quality control, production and delivery monitoring, customs declaration management (DOM / TOM / non-EU)
  • Worldwide delivery
  • Guarantee of respect of your deadlines  (delivery rate from 2013 to 2019: 100%)
  • Serious references

Contact us to get a free quotation and a 100% personalised design in 48h