The swim cap is an essential accessory for all those who regularly or not practice swimming or an aquatic activity. Overview in this article of the different existing models, their advantages
and disadvantages.
Why use a swim cap?

The swimming cap is mainly used for hygiene reasons. Indeed, it avoids dropping too much hair in the bottom of the pools. For athletes it is also a tool to not be bothered by hair on the face and also to gain aquadynamism (although this last argument is very marginal).

The swimming cap made of fabric, the fake good idea ?

First type of model, the clotho swimming cap, Its main advantage lies in the comfort of use. Indeed, it arises very easily and does not serve or very little head. The disadvantage of this advantage, it is not suitable for a sport or active. Indeed, it can very easily withdraw or move in case of rapid or sudden movement. Impossible to dive with without risking having to go to the bottom of the pool. This type of cups is therefore rather
recommended for a passive or less active practice, for example in Thalasso therapy.

The latex swim cap, for what use?

Latex is a natural material derived from rubber trees. Recently, it can also be synthesized from petroleum products. By saying this, we already understand that this subject can pose ethical and ecological
problems (you can consult articles on the impact of rubber forests in Asia or South America on the internet). The latex caps are regularly used especially for the practice of sports swimming. They offer, in fact, a good head and an effective aquadynamic gain. But this material also has several major disadvantages. Its life is very low, around 1 to 5 uses which constitutes a major brake. Latex is also a known allergenic material. About 2% of the population is in fact allergic or intolerant making the use of this type of hats complicated especially during sporting events.

The silicone swim cap the miracle product ?

Silicone is a derivative of silicon (from quartz). It is thus a mineral element contrary to the common thought which often assimilates this matter to plastic (derived from oil). The silicone swim caps offer many advantages
compared to the two materials mentioned above. These are perfectly maintained on the head and are therefore widely used by athletes. The life of a silicone swim cap is also far superior to a latex swim cap. It can be used for several months or even years without losing its properties. The risk of breakage is very low especially compared to latex swim caps. Silicone unlike latex is not allergenic, so it is safe for swimmers to use this product.

Why use custom silicone swim caps ?

Silicone makes 100% personalised swim caps. A total graphic freedom allows to grant the swim cap to the colors of a club or an event. What has long been a “constrained” accessory becomes an additional tool for sports identity. In addition, the price of  this type of customization is very reasonable, between 2 and 6 euros per cup (graphics, production, elivery). Discover the personalised swim caps.